I think it's funny how most of the bird portrait photos I take, the birds are facing left! 😄
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I think it's funny how most of the bird portrait photos I take, the birds are facing left! 😄
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As tradition, every year we go to our Amherst U-Pick pumpkin patch. This year, the rodent, deer and turkey population was so high, pumpkin patches all over suffered a lot of loss. Some U-Pick places didn't offer picking to the public, because the amount of damage. It reduced the pumpkin production so much, the patches could only supply to stores and farm stands.
We had some small damage on our pumpkins, in our backyard. BUT nothing like this!!!
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First stained glass piece I did, last summer! Finally zinced and hanging in my kitchen window! The white glass looks different in the day and night.
I am finishing up another one, to sell. Maybe I'll reopen my Etsy shop....
(please don't copy. coming up with images and designing them as a stained glass piece isn't easy and I work hard. Thank you!)
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Abuse DOES follow you throughout life. It changes forever. The faith and support of others can make a world of difference.
Always try to surround yourself with people who SUPPORT and believe in you and NOT blame you or dismiss you.
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My daughter was asked to model a knit designer's latest sweater.
Laura is a student at Souhegan High School and one of her teachers introduced Laura to his wife a couple years ago. His wife remembered Laura and recently asked if she'd model Norah's latest design.
As Laura's mom, I was allowed to follow behind and photo this awesome experience, as long as I didn't get in the way. Après shoot, I took a few more pictures.
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It was the best concert! Phil Collins' son played the piano and the drums, while Phil sat in a chair and sang, (taking it easy after spinal surgery).
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Worse than not being believed, is being mocked.
It's unbelievable how sophomoric our President is. He's no leader, he's a bully.
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