I promise you, there is NO WAY I would want to go through high school these days. The amount of work put on these kids is amazing, but the end of the year is the most difficult. Along with final exams, my daughters both have major projects to complete.
My younger daughter is in the weeds with her final project; it's a cumulative notebook from the entire year (not to make it sound like little stuff, it's not and it's very stressful... but it's the same type of thing at the end of each year.) My poor little one has had so many hard obstacles to overcome throughout the year. Positive thoughts for her success.
My older daughter has done a lot of work on her senior project. It's a multi-dimensional type project and has had several mini presentations every few months. Now it's final presentation time, tomorrow! I am so excited for her and so very eager to see all of her hard work come together in the big presentation. Thinking caps on for the special gift for her mentor! She's so confident, she's actually enjoying working on the final details. I know I am going to be bursting with pride tomorrow. When I am alone, it's gonna be a 3 tissue box moment, I can't believe how quickly she's grown and how mature she's become!
Both my girls have had so many challenges thrown at them, throughout the years and I am so proud of the way they have overcome and conquered. I hope these last weeks of school go quickly (but I am sad my oldest is getting ready to leave the nest soon).
On a happier note, older daughter was accepted to Bay State College in Boston, Ma. My bestie's son was accepted on Roger Williams University in Bristol, RI! That's especially special to me because I used to have TONS of fun visits there, many MANY moons ago.
Thank you for visiting. Please come back soon!
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