Thursday, December 3, 2009

What I Am Working On Now

I am so excited to do another crazy quilt! They are so much fun. Must admit, sometimes not as easy as they look. So many pieces cut at once, all getting mixed and repaired, and making sure they all face the correct direction when sewing can sometimes not go as smoothly as I would like. Aaaah, but when the quilt is done, it looks so good and effortless.

Shown are blocks I've started with fabrics for my crazy fence rail quilt. I have been dying to use a fun teal with pink and yellow, and this time, I WENT FOR IT!

Hoping the finished piece is either a twin or full size quilt. So many quilts available for purchase are smaller (lap, baby, throw....). I'd like to have a fun quilt that can be thrown on an entire bed. It's so fun to offer a pile of quilts and have a guest pick one to cuddle with for the night.

Must admit this winter it's been hard to imagine cuddling with quilts! It's December and My New England garden has roses blooming and daylilies sprouting. Starting to worry what next spring will bring, if all are so confused now.... That's a head-scratcher.

Yippee! Over 1500 Hits!

Thank you everyone for looking at my blog! I never thought I'd have such loyal followers. Appreciate all the hits and interest in what I am doing!