We have a small garden shop located along Route 101 which is one of my favorites to visit. This past April, it was a gorgeous day when my daughter and I drove by. We noticed the shop was open and they had taken the plastic off their greenhouses. So, my Meredith and I pulled in to poke around.
In the back of the property, there was a plastic covered greenhouse with all the stuff they felt had not survived the winter well and they were about to throw them away. This and another clematis plant was in there and I was not able to allow that to happen; so they allowed me to take two home. Instantly, they started to green up and grow so happily.
Well, to my surprise this morning this flower and more were fully bloomed! I haven't even popped the plants into the ground yet!!! And I am not going to plant them and all my plants until after next weekend (and RI)... as I expected, just after Mother's Day, the nights drop into the 30s again and my spoiled plants will not enjoy that. (LOL! Wait until next spring, they will not be as coddled.
Thank you so much for dropping by. Please come visit again, soon.