Yeah! Good month...
• the weather's not too hot (well, the past couple days really blew that theory)
• school's almost over for the year
• get-togethers are outside
• the gardens really start popping with their flowers and vases inside of full of flowers
See? The irises in the front yard are really coming in.
And this cluster of peony is just about ready to bloom. (The other cluster isn't as far along...)
Here are my chives and behind them you can see the other peony (which isn't as far along as the first pics of peonies.)
Isn't he the CUTEST thing ever? I just love him. Got him for Mother's Day, from my girls!!! He proudly sits in the backyard under the peony's canopy of leaves, with a watchful eye looking at everyone that comes down the driveway.
A blog buddy from Kentucky just recently asked me which is my favorite flower (her favorite in her gardens are her roses). In this NH yard, I really don't have one... used to be roses, however they don't do well here. The leaves get nasty blackspot, and the bugs feast on the leaves. I do have ONE beautiful rose bush called Brides's Bouquet (or something like that) which is totally worth the grief to grow.
AND on this second day of June, my younger daughter is going to the amusement park; Great Adventure. She and a friend are going to run around the park and also see Carly Rae Jepson in concert. Great Adventure holds such a special place in my heart. I used to go to the one in NJ all the time, with my high school sweetheart. We would have such a awesome time at the park and playing Skee Ball was our "thing". I can definitely remember he was much better at it than I and would win me cute stuffed bears. To this day, I can't pass a Skee Ball game without at least one game and thinking of him. I am blessed with such great memories. I can't wait to hear about Laura's new Great Adventure memories!!!