Monday, April 30, 2012

Hello again!

Here's my first baby vampire! I took a doll I had previously finished and experimented with what I think are great results.

I'd love to say she loves to snuggle, but she tends to nibble!

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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Here's A Cute Side Picture of the Doll's Head

Here's a side view. Can you see the little fingernail scratch?

I hope she turns out well...

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Hello again!

Had a chance to work a little on the new kit. Very excited with the progress, although there are many more layers to be applied to the limbs and maybe the head, too.

Hoping to work more on it on Monday but maybe I'll have some free time tomorrow. Let's hope!

Thank you for stopping by. Please come again.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Temperatures This Coming Saturday Night

Wow, I can't believe that over night, Saturday night to Sunday, it's going to be in the low 30s!!! My poor hydrangea bushes suffered so badly by budding during the brief hot weather we had in early April. After that quick week, things turned so cold and most of the hydrangea's buds were killed. Now what used to be very full bushes are now just a straggly mess. After Saturday night, all three bushes probably be so pathetic looking.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Made This Pot Pie For Dinner

See the crack that is shaped like a heart? Funny huh?

Should've sold it on ebay but we were hungry and dinner was late enough!

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Took The Final in Psychology

Wow, glad that's over. It was about as difficult as I thought it would be I know I definitely got one wrong, and guessed (hopefully well) on two more questions. Over all, everything else seemed to go smoothly.

Find out next week! After that, we have one more test, why when we have already taken the final.... and our research papers will be passed back. From all that, I will know what my grade ended up being.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Reborn Doll Kit Came!

Hello again!

The kit I posted a couple days ago, came in the mail yesterday. I am so eager to start it, but with the weather crappy my daughters are stuck inside most of the day, with me. I find it difficult to struggle with a craft with an audience. So, I'll be working on the doll after school vacation id over, the weather brightens and when I can sit out in the screened porch.

Another exciting thing; we found the cutest crib that was available for free. Great shape but not as sturdy as the cribs they make now and probably wouldn't pass code. But, a reborn baby won't mind! It's in the garage for now, but when I have finished a decent doll and take pics for sale, I will definitely use the crib, along with the beautiful cradle my neighbor gave me and the adorable satellite baby chair!

Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a great day (or night)!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another Song Stuck In My Head

And I don't know the title and can't remember a good phrase to google! OMG, I hate that.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Aaarg! This Is The Year We Stay Home

This coming week is school vacation week and go figure, after months of drought we are going to have rain most of the week. Supposed to discover our own backyard and do the New England thing!
Hello again!

Can't believe how busy I am! Big test next week, in psychology. After that, we have a quiz and then the year is over!!! How quickly it went. I can remember the first day of classes.

Have a reborn kit waiting for me and another on it's way. I miss working on the dolls. Can't believe how quickly I became hooked. Watching as their little features become emphasized with the paints. It seems like it's an easy craft but really it isn't. To apply the paint JUST RIGHT is so hard; too thin and the vinyl shows through with such shine. Apply the paint too thick and not only does it turn out chalky, the paint also rubs off. Getting the mottling just right over the veining and painting those tiny little fingernails and toes is a challenge for old eyes! But, once the doll is done and all dressed, it's all worth it.

Promise to take some pics of the head when done but here's a picture of the blank head.

Wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Wow, Over 10,000 Hits

Thank you everyone for all your interest in me and all the things I've been exploring.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

No Sale, But That's OK

Hi all. I didn't sell the doll but I am glad I tried. I am also glad I didn't sell it because I think I should experiment and learn a little more, before I send a doll home to a new mommy. Oh well. Here's to more efforts and another try again, sometime.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A Little Over A Day Left On The Auction

Hello again!

The auction on my reborn doll is almost over. Had a lot of lookers (415 and 8 watchers, to date), but no bids. :(

Hoping someone is waiting until the end to "swoop in"! Ebay Listing,

Please wish me luck. Coming in the season of LOTS OF BIRTHDAYS and the extra cash would be great!!!

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